Sunday, July 25, 2010


This is the beginning of a stream of consciousness, my consciousness. It is an edited diary, of sorts. It swings from the mundane to even me to the profound to possible only me for that is the stuff of my own life.

One never knows where a path will lead. This path is no different for it is also an experiment. What do I mean by "experiment"? Do I have anything to say of interest to anyone? Time will tell. Does it matter? In the big scheme of things, it does not. Will it entertain even me? This is hard to say as I am a serial experimenter; some things stick but most do not. Why bother? From where I sit, I can't seem grasp where I am going. I find myself in limbo which is not where I want to be. I am hoping I will recognize something on the page that I miss as the thoughts and activities of my life flit by.

Extemporaneous ramblings may have been a better title.